It’s not possible for you to have too much solid information regarding jewelry. If you make a purchase that isn’t wise, you could be out hundreds or thousands of dollars. Following are some sensible tips regarding the issue. Let this article guide you to the best possible jewelry choices for your needs.
You never want to use bleach, ammonia, or any other cleaning solvents that are not designed specifically for cleaning jewelry. These chemicals can turn stones dull and even erode the enamel.
Be cautious of storing all of your pieces of jewelry together. Jewelry should be stored in an organized way in a box, a jewelry holder or hung on hooks. Don’t just put them in one huge, unorganized pile. Not only will your necklaces become hopelessly tangled, you risk harming any fragile pieces as they bump and scrape against each other as you search the box.
Always keep your jewelry in a place that doesn’t experience extreme temperatures or humidities. To protect your jewelry it is important to secure it in a small bag with a drawstring, or in a jewelry box that remains closed a majority of the time. Air and humidity can cause the metals that the jewelry are made of to tarnish. Silver polishes work well to remove tarnish, but certain metals, such as bronze, may not polish well. The polish may remove the surface coating and then the metal underneath, such as copper, becomes visible.
Bring a magnet when shopping for sterling silver jewelery. Magnets attract non-precious metals, and you can use this fact to detect fakes. Look for the hallmark stamped on the piece of jewelry to determine what percentage sterling silver it is. If you don’t see a stamp of any sort on a piece, then be wary of whether it is actually silver or not.
As was already stated, jewelry makes the ideal gift for many reasons. Even smaller, delicate pieces make special gifts that touch the recipient. Of course, there are things you also need to know to maintain the jewelry you have yourself. Apply everything you have learned in the article to improve the satisfaction you have in jewelry.